Hey there!

I'm Marina

I am passionate about building products that solve complex problems and deliver results through an iterative data-driven process, combining empathy and observation with ideation and production.

I enjoy puzzles, and I have an inquisitive mind. I am an avid observer driven to find what makes people tick.

My Career so far

I studied Digital Design and Visual Communication. I build websites since high school (many years ago!).
I started working in 2005 as an end to end designer where I would go from visual to coding.
In 2011 I got recruited as a front end developer and got my first connection with formal UX, and it was love at first sight.
Coming from a city where we mainly had software factories it took a while but I made the transition to full UX.

Visual Design
UX Design

Me as a person

I enjoy cooking (without recipes), reading, water sports, skiing and climbing.
I love learning, and one of my main interests is behaviour and psychology.
I speak 3 languages: English, Spanish and Italian.
I love animals, and walking takes me longer since I stop to pet every single dog that will allow me to.